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Seems like another abandoned game that had a lot of potential.


It's been two years since the game has been updated...


so..saw the new page but it's last updated a year ago. is this still being made?

It took me a long time to find it again. Been years but still waiting for the full vers

I hope everyone saw this but this game moved to another site :) i myself only discovered it today!! 

(1 edit)

can you please give me the site link?

Here you go :)

I so want to play this but I only have Android

Love the Demo! I can't wait to see the final product! I don't know why but I'm glad that some of the characters are faceless I think it makes me feel more closely attached to the MC's. 

I really want to play this, but I'm having some problems downloading it. I'm pretty new to these types of games so I'm not very good at doing certain stuff to make it work. I'm using a mac currently. When I'm trying to open the application, it just won't open. Do you have any ideas why?

Deleted post

Hi! Thanks for playing our game and for your kind feedback! We're actually adjusting that aspect of Jin's background in our future build/new version of the game.

Deleted post

It's alright, and thanks so much! We're glad Rei's inner turmoil felt realistic and relatable. We appreciate the support, and we hope you'll look forward to all of the changes we'll be implementing in the future build! :)

(1 edit)

I love your game! The art is so beautiful and I love the dynamics between Professor Sun and Dr. Moon. It's just perfect. I'm waiting for a full game! Do you plan to put your game on Steam? And when we can expect the full version of the game? Thank you for your amazing work ^^

Thank you so much! Yes, we plan on releasing our game on Steam and here on We're unable to say when the full version of the game will be released, but we're working on it. A new version of the demo will be released in the coming months, and after that, we'll be working on the full release!

(1 edit)

Hello, I am using a macBook Air to download this and am having some issues with getting open the file after downloading it. Do you know an easy way which I can fix this problem?

Hi! Just going to quote a previous response we gave someone with similar problems. 

"Someone also brought up this issue last year, and it seems there could have been a possibility of a compatibility issue because they were using an older version of Mac (2013 Macbook Pro).  We were able to gain access to testing on a Mac and also ran into the same issues, but we're unsure if all Mac users have had the same experience.

After doing some research, we found a resource that mentioned using an emulator on the Mac to be able to run the Windows version of the game, as there is a possibility our Mac distribution is incomplete. However, we haven't been able to verify if it fixes the issue for our game. We will be uploading separate distributions for Windows, Mac, and Linux for our upcoming build, but we are unfortunately unable to provide a specific release date for that update."

Our future build will have completely separate distributions for Mac and PC, instead of the market distribution we currently have.  We believe this would fix the issue of TGC not working on Macs. I would recommend waiting until we release our completely new version to try out the game.

I hope this is able to help, and apologies for the inconvenience!

Damn, I got too into this but it's great! The tension hurts tho TwT

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our game! We're glad to hear that you got so into it.

We actually just posted a new dev log about our development progress if you're interested in learning how much we're going to add to the game for the Extended Demo!

is this still in development?


Yes, it is! There will be a new dev log posted very soon!


Honestly, the demo gave me a little anxiety when I played it a few months ago. Like, I was fully immersed in the story. I'm glad this isn't being dropped. I did notice some mistakes in spelling and syntax but I'm sure you have proofreaders for that and they weren't so noticeable that it turned me away from the game at all. Really top quality work and I can't wait for the finished product!


We're glad to hear that you got so immersed in the story! Thanks for pointing out the errors -- a few other players also noticed some, so we've patched them up in preparation for an updated build of the game. We appreciate the support and can't wait to show you what we've been working on!


I can't wait for the rest to come out!! It was so good and it kept drawing me in and making me want more. I love the characters and the plot, and I'm excited to see further amazing gameplay. Keep up the great work!!

Thank you so much for the feedback and support!

I loved it so much! Everything was so on point! The music, the art design, the dialogues.... I fall in love with all <3

I definitely been looking forward to more!

Hello! Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback!

I can't get this to work on my mac and I'm not really sure how to fix it. 

Hello! Someone also brought up this issue last year, and it seems there could have been a possibility of a compatibility issue because they were using an older version of Mac (2013 Macbook Pro).  We were able to gain access to testing on a Mac and also ran into the same issues, but we're unsure if all Mac users have had the same experience.

After doing some research, we found a resource that mentioned using an emulator on the Mac to be able to run the Windows version of the game, as there is a possibility our Mac distribution is incomplete. However, we haven't been able to verify if it fixes the issue for our game. We will be uploading separate distributions for Windows, Mac, and Linux for our upcoming build, but we are unfortunately unable to provide a specific release date for that update.

Hope this is able to help, and apologies for the inconvenience!

Bloody hell, great story.  did not want it to end

Thank you very much! So glad you enjoyed the story. There will be more coming soon!

Loved the demo so much, everything about it was spectacular! 


Thank you for the wonderful feedback! We're happy to hear how much you enjoyed our demo!

I freaking loved it omg. The characters are so interesting... and my oh my Dr. Moon is hoottt... I even started simping for him. The story, the art style, the backgrounds, the music, the tension... that little boy with his parents :')

I loved every single bit of it!!


We're so happy to hear that you enjoyed the game! Thank you for your support, and we hope you'll look forward to future updates! :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! First of all, thank you for your wonderful feedback. We're glad to hear you enjoyed so many different aspects about the game. The new version of the demo will actually have 3 additional sprites, along with tons of new art (CGs, item art, new backgrounds, etc.), and completely new scenes. We're super excited to show you all of the changes soon. Thanks again for supporting us -- it means a lot!

I just finished playing the demo, and I LOVE IT <3

The story, art work, music, character personalities are soooo amazing. I always think if Visual Novel has voice acting it will be perfect, but this game is already perfect without voice acting. 

I'm really waiting for a next update of this game, and if someday you considerate to put voice acting it will be a bless for not only me, but also another player. Good luck mate <3


Hi, thank you for the amazing feedback! We're more than happy to consider more ways to improve the game in the future, including the possibility of voice acting. Please look forward to an update very soon!


I just finished playing the demo and i was blown away to say the least: I'm very intrigued by the suspenseful story, I love the writing, the characters are very interesting and hot. The gameplay was smooth, fluent and i had a lot of fun. The art was beautiful: the characters as well as the backgrounds. The music was harmonizing as well 

I can't wait to see what happens next, what the both of them hide behind their perfectly made masks/faces (very handsome ones if i may add). I'm  also looking forward to the personality stats!!

Great job :)))


Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed the game. Please look forward to more soon!

I already have a great idea of what's going on. I want to finish this so baaaddd. Any news on when this will be released?


Hi! You can refer to our latest dev log for an idea of when the game will be released. Thanks for the support!

(1 edit) (+1)

Great demo! The story  drew me in from the beginning and I was definitely left wanting more.  Rei is a very compelling and believable character which really helped draw me into the story even more.  Out of all the games from Crystal Compass I think I like the character art style from Glass Coffin the best, so kudos to the artist. Keep up the great work!  I can't wait to see the rest of the story.

Thank you so much for your feedback and support! We're glad to hear how much you enjoyed the game. We'll make sure to pass the kind words about the art to the character artist, Eightway, as well.


Ah, I love the idea behind this, and the stats system! Definitely going to purchase the game once it comes out, and support it during development! Good luck :)!

Thanks so much for the feedback and support!

Very interesting visual novel. Is it being worked on? I really liked it.

Hello! Thanks for supporting The Glass Coffin! The game is currently being worked on, with the extended demo scheduled for a tentative release in the first half of 2020.


Hey, first thing first! Congrats for the amazing work, the game seems really good just on the demo! So please keep doing this incredible fuc*ing work :D 

I would like to say a few points... I think it would be very good have a CG gallery. I know it's possible to print, but if it wasn't a lot of work it would be amazing and easier.

I would also like to see "tips" after the choices I make... like, I choose 1st option and then a little heart shows up to tell me that this specific choice affect my "Love Personality". This may not seem so interesting at first glance, but I particularly love playing my dates games more than once, making different choices and seeing where they can take me... I saw that you would add a tab to see the current stats, so tysm in advance.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback! We’re currently working on the extended demo of the game, which will have a CG gallery and stats page. We’ll also take a hint system for choices into consideration!

(2 edits)

just play the demo and it was good 

i can't wait for the full version keep up the good work

oh yeah Belle sprite art is hot omg :v i fall in love  ..... but her character......

wish we can at least make Belle be more kind person ( or befriend her ) on the full ver cuz ..... really i am just a girl who love girl lmao but whatever lol 

i'm curious what's that ??? gauge is ....cuz i still can't trust Jin yet lmao

( Rei deserve better )

Thanks for playing The Glass Coffin! We appreciate your feedback.

Please look forward to upcoming updates -- you'll definitely find out more about Belle, Jin, Rei, and all of the other characters soon!

hey i was wondering is that the only demo u have made cuase i got to the phone call and it said to be continiued

Hello! Yes, this is currently the only demo that we have.

Finished the current version and loved the game so much. I hope there will be an option to expose Belle and get her fired in the future, sis gotta go! Looking foward to seeing the rest!


Thank you! We're happy to hear that you enjoyed the game. Just like the other characters, there are a lot of possible outcomes for Belle, some that will come as a surprise. You'll have to wait until the full game to find out!

Just a quick question, Is there or will there be a way to check your stats?

Yes! In our dev log, we mentioned that there will be an updated build in the near future featuring a stats page and CG gallery, among other updates.

Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I have a mac and when I downloaded the game it would not open! idk if anyone else had this issue or if my old girl is just finally giving out but I figured I should let you know!

Hello! Thank you for notifying us about this issue. There's a possibility it's a compatibility issue if you have an older Mac. Have you tried re-downloading the files? If any other Mac users also have problems opening the game, please let us know! We will be looking into it in the meantime.

If it's any help, my mac is a late 2013 macbook pro! I will say that I've never run into an issue running games from here on it before, I tried deleting the files and re-downloading  it but i get the same issue, after i grant permission it'll show up on my dashboard before just closing itself, I never see the start screen or anything.

Thank you for specifying. We were able to access a Mac and tried opening the game through the same permission override method and were also unable to open it. After doing some research, we found a resource that mentioned using an emulator on the Mac to be able to run the Windows version of the game, as there is a possibility our Mac distribution is incomplete. We will be uploading separate distributions for Windows, Mac, and Linux for our upcoming build, but we are unfortunately unable to provide a specific release date for that update. Hope this is able to help!

Thank you very much! i really appreciate the quick response and resource! I hope to play it soon! Again, thank you for responding to my message quickly, I really appreciate knowing that it's happening to others too because if it was just me it'd mean its probably time to replace my old computer and that 13-1500 price tag is no easy payment! I hope to play your game soon! (if i dont botch the emulator process)


Wow, I'm really impressed. I love being able to affect Rei's personality based on decisions, and still found him a wonderful and compelling character. Dr Moon also greatly intrigues me, and I really want to find out more about him and that mysterious stat of his. (gut feeling says its a yandere bar. xD)

I almost cried when I reached the end of the game. I want more already. It was so darn compelling and sexy.


Thank you for your feedback and for playing The Glass Coffin! We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed the stats feature and were compelled by both Rei and Dr. Moon. We'll be discussing about stats, the characters, and the story in our upcoming dev log, so please look forward to more updates (and figuring out what secret stat is)! 

It's so totally a yandere bar. xD (jk)


I already left a lengthy feedback on your survey but...I really loved this game! Rei was a really interesting and well-written character imo, and even though he was full of flaws I'm excited to follow his story. I'll look forward to updates!!

We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed The Glass Coffin. Thank you for the feedback, and we're excited to bring new and improved content in the near future!

(10 edits) (+1)

I suggest adding a "gay" tag to this game to make it easier to find in the future (for those who only want MxM content).

You have a picture of a screen showing the 4 stats but I couldn't find it in-game - will it be a feature in the full demo/game or is just a hidden statistic until we do a NG+? 

The demo feels well paced and the story was gripping enough that it left me wanting for more. Speaking of which, despite having some beef with Belle a small part of me can't help but feel like I'm turning into exactly what I hate about her - manipulative and conniving - at least based on the choices I made and the results I got thereafter.  It's... interesting and conflicting at the same time - makes me question the morality of my actions despite most of them feeling deserved. I feel like my character is growing from an ordinary guy to some sort of anti-hero, maybe even a troubled villain? Of course this is just speculation from my part but I think it's an interesting twist with plenty of potential.

Anyway, I can't wait for the full game! How much will it cost?

PS: And kudos to the artist, both Rei And Jin look amazing (and hot)! <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello! Thank you for your detailed and honest feedback. We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the game and the art. Eightway did an amazing job portraying Rei and Jin!

We're also glad to see that you noticed the contrast between Belle and Rei. That was definitely one of our aims, especially since choices can influence Rei's personality to a relatively large extent even in this early version of the demo. As for whether Rei is an ordinary person, anti-hero, or troubled person--you'll just have to wait and find out!

The stats page and CG gallery will be featured in our next build, which will be coming out in the next coming months. However, the stats themselves are already active and influence branching within the current build.

In regards to the price of the full game, are still details we need to work out, but if the game were to go commercial, a rough estimation would place the full release anywhere between $5-$10 depending on the amount of content and additional features in the game.

Thank you once again for playing The Glass Coffin!

(P.S. We appreciate the suggestion! The tag has been added.)

(4 edits)

I apologize for bothering you further but I wanted to ask - what inspired you to write the story behind The Glass Coffin?

I can't help but feel this game shares some similarities with a TV series from 2013 called "Hannibal"; Will - a gifted but troubled professor who joins forces with Hannibal, a very intelligent and charismatic psychiatrist to solve a myriad of crimes under the FBI wing. Of course there's more to them than meets the eye (a lot more...! but that would spoilers, lol) and the duo end up forming a special, dare I say, intimate-yet-subtle relationship with each other.


No worries! I'm more than happy to answer your questions. I don't know much about Hannibal, but I can see the similarities! There actually wasn't anything specific that inspired the story behind The Glass Coffin.

The plot was largely a spontaneous idea from around 2 years ago, though I think I was reading "The Shining" by Stephen King at the time. Overall, I thought it would be interesting to explore topics such as cabin fever and the human mind.

- Ren

HI! I did a small play through of it and I'm sorry in advance for how bad it turned into but here is a video for you!

Hi! Thank you for sharing, and we hope you enjoyed the game!


Great job with the game, especially with the visuals and soundtrack. I was impressed by how immersive this visual novel was the second I started playing. I also love how you've characterized the two main characters :)

If I may ask- what's the name of the background music that involves chimes, usually played in the nightime scenes for atmosphere? It's such a lovely backtrack and I've been unable to find it.

Good luck in the development for the rest of your game; I'm looking forward to the final product.

Hello! Thank you so much for your honest review.  We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed The Glass Coffin, and we'll definitely take your comments to heart when moving forward with the continued development!

In regards to the background music, I think you are referring to "High Altitude Bliss" by Eric Matyas. Hopefully that's the one you're looking for!


Thank you so much.

Quick question? Is the testing form for the download avalabe from

Yes. The testing form is for the current build of the game, which is only available to download on!

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